Privacy policy

Privacy policy

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. (the “Company”) believes that personal privacy is important, for those who visit our website (the “Website”) and for everyone else who gives us information through our Website, or who uses the services offered there as a REGISTERED USER (a “USER, or collectively the “USERS”).

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. is therefore committed to processing their data in compliance with all applicable legislation on personal data protection, as in force at any given time. Specifically, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Spanish Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and Digital Rights (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos Personales y Garantía de los Derechos Digitales), and with all other regulations on this subject in force at any given time.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. has established its Privacy Policy to inform the USERS about how their data will be processed, and about the fundamental data protection principles that will be applied. However, some of the services offered may have specific terms of use that contain other provisions on the subject of personal data protection, and which prevail over the contents of this Privacy Policy.

All USERS should read this Privacy Policy carefully, to inform themselves about the rules and practices that we have developed for the purpose of protecting their personal data, and so that they can have a better understanding of the relationships we maintain with third parties that may be given access to their data.

The USERS are solely responsible for any information they provide at the Website, and if at any time in the future CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. wishes to use their information for any purposes other than those described, it will inform the USERS about those new purposes, and request their consent in cases where required.

By using our Website, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted this Privacy Policy, our Cookies Policy, and our Legal Notice.

Who is the data controller?

The data controller for your personal data is CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L., which is a company with its registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 163, 28046, Madrid, and with tax identification number B13938378 (the “Data Controller”).

Contact details for the Data Controller.

If you have any questions about our processing of your personal data, you may contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) (i) by postal mail sent to Paseo de la Castellana, 163, 28046 Madrid; or (ii) by sending an email to

What is our purpose and legal basis for processing your personal data?

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “personal data” means any information that identifies you, or that could be used to identify you, such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will be allowed to use the data you enter when filling in forms, or that you provide through the various contact email addresses that CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. makes available at the Website.

Your data will be processed when you interact with CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L.; when you participate in or request participation in activities related to CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L.; when you apply for any of our employment offers; when you are asked to provide personal data while interacting with the Website, as described in this Privacy Policy and in our Cookies Policy; when you register at the Website; and when you use certain features at the Website without being registered.

In summary, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will be allowed to make use of all personal data that the USERS have provided during the relationship we maintain with them.

We also need to ensure that the information we have remains current, so it is important to always provide accurate information and update your personal details if any changes occur.

The Data Controller will process your personal data for the purposes detailed below, and based on the specific channel you have used to provide your personal data:

To respond to queries or information requests received from the USERS: the personal data provided will be used to respond to queries submitted through the forms made available at the Website.

  • Categories of personal data: first name(s), surname(s), email address, telephone number, date of birth (to ensure that you are at least fourteen (14) years of age).
  • Legal basis: consent in accordance with art. 6(1)(a) GDPR.

To respond to complaints and reporting submitted by EMPLOYEES and/or USERS via the Reporting Channel: the personal data provided will be used to respond to complaints and reporting submitted via the Reporting Channel, within the established time period.

  • Categories of personal data: first name(s), surname(s), email address, telephone number, date of birth (to ensure that you are at least fourteen (14) years of age).
  • Legal basis: compliance with a legal obligation in accordance with art. 6(1)(c) GDPR, as the Data Controller is subject to Spanish Law 2/2023 of 20 February, on protection of persons who report infringements of the law and on anti-corruption measures

To manage CVs submitted by applicants for employment positions: the personal data provided will be used to manage the selection process.

  • Personal data categories: first name(s), surname(s), email address, telephone number, date of birth.
  • Legal basis: consent in accordance with art. 6(1)(a) GDPR.

To provide customer service: the personal data will be used to provide information about products and services. Responses to information requests may be given by email, telephone call, or online chat, according to each USER’s preference.

  • Category of personal data: first name(s), surname(s), email address, telephone number, date of birth, country, and any other information provided.
  • Legal basis: consent in accordance with art. 6(1)(a) GDPR, or performance of a contract in accordance with art. 6(1)(b) GDPR in cases where products or services are being purchased or booked.

To manage the contractual relationship for purchasing products and services: the personal data will be processed to manage purchasing of products and services from CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L.

  • Category of personal data: first name(s), surname(s), email address, telephone number, information about product purchase transactions, receipt documents and payment data, date of birth (to ensure that you are at least fourteen (14) years of age), tax identification number or Spanish foreigner identification number, shipping address and country, and billing address.
  • Legal basis: performance of a contract, in accordance with art. 6(1)(b) GDPR.

Use of cookies and similar technologies: CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. uses its own (first-party) cookies at this Website, as well as third-party cookies and similar technologies (HTTP cookies, pixel trackers, and local shared objects). This means that the USERS’ information and personal data is processed, stored, and shared when they navigate at the Website, in conformity with specific purposes, and based on settings that the USERS can adjust at any time.

In our Cookies Policy, you can find additional information about the use of cookies and similar technologies at this Website, about the personal data processing derived from their use, and about how to manage your consent.

To comply with legal obligations: the personal data will be processed in order to comply with legal obligations that apply to the Data Controller, as arising from the relationship maintained with you as a customer, and from our processing of your personal data in conformity with European Union law and/or the applicable local legal system (such as legal obligations arising from tax legislation, personal data protection legislation, commercial and consumer protection legislation, legislation on information society services and e commerce, civil liability, accounting regulations, etc.).

  • Category of personal data: first name(s), surname(s), telephone number, email address, document verifying the data subject’s identity, transaction information about your purchases where applicable, and any other information requested by the competent supervisory authorities to allow compliance with legal obligations.
  • Legal basis: compliance with legal obligations that apply to the Data Controller under European Union law and/or the applicable local legal system. The Data Controller needs to have your personal data in order to fully comply with the legal obligations described, or to address potential legal liabilities arising from the relationship maintained with you, or from processing of your personal data.

How did we obtain your personal data?

As the data subject, you have directly provided the personal data processed by the Data Controller, through this Website and/or at any time during the relationship maintained with you.

If you are providing personal data relating to any other persons, you must first obtain their express, informed consent, to allow their data to be given to the Data Controller in conformity with the terms set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Who will we disclose your personal data to?

We will only disclose your personal data to competent public authorities if necessary in order to address potential legal liabilities, or to comply with the storage periods required by law. In particular, this includes the competent data protection supervisory authority, courts and tribunals, and the public prosecution service, in conformity with European Union law and/or the applicable local legal system.

Will your data be transferred outside of the EU?

In any case where within the scope of the processing described above in this Privacy Policy, in the section entitled “What is our purpose for processing your personal data?”, your personal data is processed in any countries not belonging to the European Union (EU) or to the European Economic Area (EEA), and for which the European Commission has not issued an adequacy decision, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will ensure that your data is processed in accordance with the European data protection standards.

To the extent necessary, and to safeguard the security of any data transfers made to recipients in countries not belonging to the EU or EEA, we will make use of international transfer agreements based on standard contractual clauses, or other mechanisms that allow those data transfers to take place in conformity with the data protection legislation. This includes implementing technical and organisational protection measures that are appropriate for the data being transferred.

You can obtain information about these safeguards by sending an email to our Data Protection Officer at:

The European Union has already officially declared some non-EU countries as having an adequate level of data protection, similar to the level existing in Europe. This means that in accordance with the applicable data protection standards, any data transfers made to those countries will not require any separate official approval or agreement.

How do we protect the USERS’ personal data?

We have implemented the necessary technical measures to protect the USERS’ personal data and information against accidental loss, and against unauthorised access, use, or disclosure. However, although those measures have been implemented with due diligence, the USERS must understand that security measures are never infallible. CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. accepts no liability for any third-party acts that are able to circumvent those measures and access that data or information.

We have also established procedures to address any potential data security incidents.

How long do we store the USERS’ personal data?

The following storage criteria will be applied, depending on the purpose of our processing of the USERS’ personal data:

  • To respond to queries or information requests received from the USERS: for the length of time necessary to manage and respond to their queries or information requests.
  • To respond to complaints and reporting submitted by EMPLOYEES and/or USERS via the Reporting Channel: for the length of time necessary to manage and resolve their queries or information requests.
  • To manage CVs submitted by applicants for employment positions: for the length of time necessary to manage the selection process.
  • To provide customer service: for the length of time necessary to manage and resolve customer requests, complaints, incidents, and claims.
  • To manage the contractual relationship for purchasing products and services: for the time during which the contractual relationship is maintained with each USER, for purchasing or booking products and services.
  • Use of cookies and similar technologies: the data will be processed during the period of validity for the consent that each of the USERS have given for storing cookies on their devices. Unless the USERS withdraw their consent using the mechanisms described in our Cookies Policy, their data will be stored for as long as the cookies or similar technologies installed on their devices remain valid.
  • Compliance with legal obligations: to allow CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. to comply with its legal obligations, the personal data will be stored, with access to it blocked, for the time period during which legal liabilities could arise.

In any of the cases described above, once your personal data is no longer relevant for the purposes for which it was collected, or if you withdraw your consent, or if you exercise your right to erasure of your data, or your right to object to the types of processing indicated, the Data Controller may continue to store your data, with access to it duly blocked (the pertinent data is identified and removed from the active systems, with technical and organisational measures implemented to prevent its processing, including its viewing), to ensure that the data is available if it becomes necessary to disclose it to the competent public authorities. This includes the competent data protection supervisory authority, courts and tribunals, and the public prosecution service. Your data will be stored in this way for the entire limitation period that applies to any legal actions that could arise from the relationship maintained with you, or from processing your personal data and/or for the storage periods established under European Union law and/or the applicable local legal system. After those time periods have expired, your personal data will be physically deleted with no possibility of recovery.

What rights do you have after giving us your personal data?

If you have provided any personal data to CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. via this Website, you may exercise your rights to access, rectify, or erase your data; your right to object to or restrict processing of your data; your right to data portability; and your right not to be subject to individual automated decision-making, including profiling, by sending a written request to our DPO, either by email at or by postal mail sent to Paseo de la Castellana 163, 28046, Madrid.

In addition, for any types of processing allowed on the basis of consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time, or you may object to processing of your data, by using the same procedure described in the previous paragraph. Moreover, if you have given your express consent to receive communications with commercial information, you will be able to unsubscribe, by using the means made available in each of the commercial communications you receive. Where appropriate, you may also ask us to ensure that you will not be subject to any individualised decision-making based exclusively on automated processing of your personal data to produce profiles, or you may request human intervention, express your point of view, receive answers to any questions you have, or challenge any decisions made, simply by sending a request to the DPO, using the same procedure described in the previous paragraph.

What supervisory authority should be contacted for lodging data protection complaints?

If you consider it appropriate, you may seek protection of your rights by lodging a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. However, we recommend that before doing this, you should first contact our DPO, either by email or by postal mail sent to Paseo de la Castellana 163, 28046, Madrid. This will give us a chance to respond to your request and address any issues related to our processing of your personal data.

Use of the Website by minors

Children under fourteen (14) years of age are not authorised to purchase or book any of the products or services offered at this Website.

However, if when purchasing or booking any of the products or services offered through this Website (e.g., birthday or first communion celebrations) you freely and voluntarily opt to provide the personal data of a minor under fourteen (14) years of age (for example, to customise the space where the contracted services will take place), then as the holder of parental authority or legal guardianship over that minor, you must give your express, informed consent to allow the Data Controller to process the minor’s personal data. This will take place in the context of the contractual relationship maintained with you on the basis of your purchase or contracting of those products or services, in conformity with this Privacy Policy.


The employees of CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L., and all of its suppliers that may gain access to the USERS’ personal data, have made a commitment to refrain from disclosing or making use of any information they are given access to. Under all circumstances, the information provided by the USERS will be treated as confidential, and may not be used for any other purposes unless those USERS have first been notified by the Company, where appropriate.

Social network sites

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. maintains an online presence at some of the most popular social network site, and for these purposes, it acts as the Data Controller for all information it has posted there.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will process that data based on the data processing rules established by each social network site. Therefore, unless CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. has stated otherwise, it will be allowed to inform its followers on social networks about its activities, events, and other related subjects, and it may provide assistance services to those followers using any of the channels each social network site makes available.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will not extract any USER’s personal data from social network sites, unless the USER have given us express consent to do so.

Links to other websites

The Website contains links to other websites that CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. thinks you may find useful and informative. However, this does not imply that CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. is endorsing or recommending any of the contents or services offered at those websites, and it is not responsible for their privacy policies. We recommend that you should read the privacy policies of all websites you visit. We also remind you that the contents of this Privacy Policy only apply to personal data collected and/or processed by the Company.

Changes to our Privacy Policy and severability

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will only use your personal data in the manner established in the version of our Privacy Policy that is in force at the time when your personal data is collected. CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, and we will post information about any such modifications at the Website. We therefore recommend that you should check the Website for this type of information every time you access the Privacy Policy. If at any time we decide to use your personal data in a manner different from what was stated at the time when your data was collected, we will notify you by email, provided we have your email address. At that time, we will give you the option of authorising other uses or transfers of the personal data that you provided before our Privacy Policy was modified.

If any of the provisions from this Privacy Policy are annulled or are considered as void, the rest of its provisions will be unaffected and will remain fully valid, in accordance with the applicable legislation in force at any given time.