Use of cookies

This Website is owned by CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L., which is a company with its registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 163, 28046, Madrid; and with tax identification number B13938378 (the “Company”).

This Website uses the Company’s own (first-party) cookies, third-party cookies, and similar technologies (HTTP cookies, pixel trackers, and local shared objects) to store and retrieve information about the users when they navigate at the Website, for the purposes described in the section entitled “Details regarding cookies and similar technologies”.

However, in compliance with the principle of proactive responsibility, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. informs you that this Website does not collect or transfer any personal data unless its USERS have first been given the information required by law, and their consent has been obtained in all cases where necessary.

This Cookies Policy also provides information about processing of the data collected by the cookies and similar technologies used at this Website.

What are cookies?

Cookies and similar technologies (local shared objects, flash cookies, web beacons, etc.) are small files created by the websites that users visit. They are downloaded onto the users’ devices (computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc.) or web browsers, for the purpose of storing and retrieving specific information about those users (e.g., their navigation habits, or information about the devices and web browsers they are using).

Types of cookies

The different types of cookies that may be used include, but are not limited to, those identified below, which can be classified in various ways:

Based on which entity manages the equipment or domain that stores the cookie on the user’s device and processes the data obtained:

  • First-party cookies: these are cookies that are stored on the user’s device or web browser by equipment or domains managed by the owners of the same website or app being used to provide the service requested by the user.
  • Third-party cookies: these are cookies stored on the user’s device or web browser by equipment or domains that are not managed by the owners of the same website or app being used. Instead, they are stored by another entity, which also processes the data obtained by those cookies or similar technologies.

Based on how long the cookie is stored on the user’s device or web browser:

  • Session cookies: these cookies are designed to collect and store data only during the time when a user is accessing an app or website. These cookies are typically used to store information that only needs to be retained to provide a requested service one time, and they disappear at the end of each session (for example, when the user ends the visit by closing the web browser).
  • Persistent cookies: these cookies allow information to be stored on the user’s device or web browser even after each session has ended. This means that the data stored can be accessed and processed for a longer period of time, which is defined by the party responsible for the cookie. Although this time period might be just a few minutes, it can also be as long as several years, unless the user manually deletes the cookie.

Based on the purpose of the cookie, which may include:

  • Technical or strictly necessary cookies: these cookies allow users to navigate through an app or website and use the various options or services available. They include cookies used to manage and operate a website or app, and to activate its functions and services, such as monitoring traffic and communicating information, identifying the session, allowing access to restricted areas, remembering elements associated with a product or service, allowing a product or service to be purchased, managing payments for products or services, controlling fraud to improve security, accepting requests for registration or participation in an event, counting visits for purposes of billing for software licenses used to provide a service (website, platform, or app), applying security elements during navigation, storing contents for playing audio or video clips, activating dynamic content (e.g., animated loading of text or images), and sharing contents at social network sites. Other technical cookies that belong to this category are those that allow more effective management of advertising spaces, which have been included as an additional design or layout element for a service offered to the users. These spaces are included at a website or app based on criteria such as the contents being published, so these cookies do not collect information about the users for any other purposes, such as personalising the advertising or other contents displayed.
  • Cookies for preferences or personalisation: these cookies record information that allows users with specific characteristics to have a customised experience when using a website or app, different from that of other users. For example, these cookies can be used to display a specific language, adjust the number of search results displayed, or change the appearance or contents of a website or app based on each user’s particular web browser, country, or region.
  • Cookies for analysis or measurement: these cookies are used to monitor and analyse user behaviour in relation to a website or app, which includes counting the number of advertising impressions. The data collected by cookies of this type is used to measure the activities taking place at a website or app, with the aim of using this information to perform analyses and make improvements.
  • Behavioural advertising cookies: these are cookies that store information about behaviour, through ongoing observation of each user’s navigation habits. This allows more effective management of the advertising spaces displayed at websites or apps, by developing specific user profiles that are used to determine which advertisements each user will see.
  • Social network cookies: some websites or apps may contain features associated with third-party websites, such as social network sites. These features may incorporate sequences of commands or other elements that are able to read and/or store cookies and similar technologies on a user’s web browser or device (these are usually behavioural advertising cookies and similar technologies). The owners of the websites and apps that use features based on this type of cookies or similar technologies do not have access to them or control over them, or over the information they are able to collect. This is because these aspects are managed by the companies that actually store the cookies, based on their own purposes and privacy policies. This why we recommend that before any users allow installation of these cookies on their devices or web browsers, they should read the privacy policies of the third parties responsible for those cookies and similar technologies.

For this purpose, the list below includes some (but not all) of the third parties that might be storing this type of cookies or similar technologies on a user’s device or web browser. This list also includes a link to each company’s cookies policy and privacy policy, so that users can view these before making decisions about whether to allow use of those cookies or similar technologies.

These various ways of classifying cookies are offered here as examples, to help give users a better understanding of the most commonly used types of cookies and similar technologies.

However, additional details regarding the specific cookies and similar technologies that may be stored on the devices or web browsers of this Website’s users during their visits and navigation are given below, in the section entitled “Details regarding cookies and similar technologies”.

Details regarding cookies and similar technologies

This Website uses cookies and similar technologies to store and retrieve information about its users and their navigation habits. These cookies and similar technologies can be used for a variety of purposes, such as to obtain information about each user’s navigation habits, or to personalise the way the Website’s contents are displayed.

This Website uses the following types of cookies and similar technologies:

  • Technical cookies

These cookies make it possible for the users to navigate at the Website and make use of the various options and services offered there. Obtaining consent from the users in advance is not required for cookies of this type. However, at any time the users may adjust their web browser’s settings to block the use of these cookies, although doing this could prevent some parts of this Website from functioning correctly.

Cookie Name Description Source Duration
wpEmojiSettingsSupports Stores details about the user’s web browser WordPress Session
wordpress_test_cookie Tests that the browser accepts cookies WordPress Session
wp-settings-* Store user preferences WordPress Persistent
wp-settings-time-* Store user preferences WordPress 1 year
wordpress_logged_in_* Save logged in users WordPress Persistent
pll_language Stores language settings Polylang Persistent
AWSALB Loads the load balancer feature Amazon 1 week
AWSALBCORS Loads the load balancer feature Amazon 1 week
wphShowAdminPrompt   WordPress  
moove_gdpr_popup Save cookie consent preferences GDPR Cookie Compliance Session

For more information about the cookies stored by third parties, you can view each of their privacy and/or cookies policies using the link referred to in the “Source” column (provided they are actually third-party cookies).

You can also use your own web browser’s settings to configure or delete any cookies that are not blocked by our own Website, by following the instructions found in the section entitled “Controlling the use of cookies”.

  • Statistical cookies

Statistical or analytical cookies allow a website’s owner to monitor user behaviour, i.e., they can give the owner a better understanding of how the users are interacting with the website. Cookies of this type can count the number of visits and determine the sources of incoming traffic, as a way to improve a website’s performance.

Cookie Name Description Source Duration
_ga Counting and tracking page views Google  2 years
_ga_* Counting and tracking page views Google  1 year

  • Marketing cookies

These cookies store information about the users’ behaviour, through ongoing observation of their navigation habits. This allows development of specific user profiles, so that the products displayed for each user will be the ones that most closely match their interests.

Cookie Name Description Source Duration
rc::c Filters requests from bots Google  Session
rc::b Filters requests from bots Google  Session
rc::a Filters requests from bots Google  Persistent
Google Fonts API Requests the user’s IP address Google   

For more information about the cookies stored by third parties, you can view each of their privacy and/or cookies policies using the link referred to in the “Source” column (provided they are actually third-party cookies).

You can also use your own web browser’s settings to configure or delete any cookies that are not blocked by our own Website, by following the instructions found in the section entitled “Controlling the use of cookies”.

Controlling the use of cookies

If you have allowed the use of cookies and similar technologies at this Website by using the cookie management and configuration system that CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. makes available, you can delete or change your settings at any time. In addition, if you want to delete any cookies that have already been stored on your system, you can do this from your web browser.

Please note that if your device uses the iOS 14.5, iPadOS 14.5, or tvOS 14.5 operating systems, or later versions, you will have to use the file path Settings>Privacy>Tracking on your device to configure your consent for use of cookies and similar technologies that depend upon identifying your device, such as those used for behavioural advertising, analysis and measurement, and preferences and personalisation.

If you decide to use the tools provided by your web browser to delete or change your settings for cookies or similar technologies, remember that the procedures you will have to use may vary. As examples, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. provides some direct links below for the most commonly used web browsers, where you can find instructions on how to change your settings for cookies and similar technologies, or how to delete any for which you previously gave your express consent.

For more information, see:

If any of this Website’s users would like more information about how to withdraw their consent, or about how to block cookies, or if they have any questions about the Cookies Policy for this Website, they may contact the Data Controller by sending an email to:

Protection of minors

This Website and the various online forms it contains, including the forms used for purchasing products and services, are not intended for use by minors under fourteen (14) years of age. For this reason, the Website’s users are asked to enter their date of birth whenever possible, to confirm that they meet this requirement.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. accepts no liability for any use of devices or computers by minors under fourteen (14) years of age to navigate at this Website.

However, we understand that personal data related to minors requires special protection, and therefore, before navigating at this Website, any users below fourteen (14) years of age must notify a parent or legal guardian, who will have to accept, configure, or reject the cookies that this Website uses. If you are a parent or legal guardian and you have any concerns about how the personal data of the minors under your responsibility will be used, you may contact CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. as the Data Controller at any time, by sending an email to

Information collected by our use of cookies and/or similar technologies

When technical or necessary cookies are stored on the users’ devices or web browsers, and when the users give their express consent for the use of any other type of cookies and similar technologies on their devices or web browsers, the data controllers for the Website and for third parties (external service providers or other third parties) may collect specific information, which could include:

  • Technical details about those users’ devices.
  • Details about how they are using the Website’s services.
  • Data regarding the informed consent that the users have expressly given for the use of cookies and similar technologies on their devices.

Privacy related to the use of cookies and similar technologies


The Data Controller is the company CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L., which has its registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 163, 28046, Madrid; and tax identification number B13938378.

If you have any questions about how your personal data is being processed, you may contact the Data Controller by sending an email to:

Purposes of the processing and legal basis

The purposes of the data processing are described in the section entitled “Details regarding cookies and similar technologies”.

The legal basis for the processing is the express, informed consent given by the users, in accordance with art. 6(1)(a) GDPR.

Data recipients

The Data Controller will be allowed to share the information collected with:

  • The competent public authorities and bodies, courts and tribunals, and the public prosecution service, in order to comply with all legal obligations that apply to the Data Controller, in conformity with European Union law and the applicable local legal system.
  • Any service providers acting as data processors on behalf of the Data Controller.
  • Third parties not affiliated with the Data Controller that install cookies or similar technologies from their own domains, or from the Data Controller’s domains when those third parties are managing use of those cookies and similar technologies and the data collected through them.

Data storage period

The data will be processed for as long as the authorisations for use granted by the users remain valid, as indicated in the section entitled “Details regarding cookies and similar technologies”. Once those periods have expired, the data will be erased, except under circumstances where the Data Controller could be subject to legal liabilities arising from processing of that data. In these cases, the data will be stored, with access to it duly blocked, for the entire limitation period that applies to those legal liabilities, in order to allow any claims to be initiated, managed, or defended against in conformity with European Union law and/or the applicable local legal system.

Exercise of rights

At any time, the users may manage or revoke their consent by following the steps described in the section entitled “Controlling the use of cookies”.

The users may also withdraw their consent and exercise the rest of their rights established in the data protection legislation (access, rectification, erasure, portability, objection, restriction, and prohibition against automated individual decision-making) by sending a written request to the Data Protection Officer for CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. at one of the following addresses:

The data subjects may also lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency at any time, if they consider this to be appropriate.

Additional information

Changes may be made to this Cookies Policy, depending on the types of cookies and similar technologies being used by this Website.

All information and documentation will also be made available in English and Portuguese, by using the dropdown menu. However, those contents will be provided for informational purposes only, which means that if there are any discrepancies between those versions and the version in Spanish, the version in Spanish will prevail.