Legal notice

About us

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. is a company with its registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 163, 28046, Madrid; and tax identification number B13938378. It is registered in the Madrid Commercial Register in volume 45,364; page 121; sheet M 798024.

For further information, you may contact us by telephone on [external telephone number of those responsible], or by sending an email to:

Anyone who visits or uses the Portal will be understood to be one of its users (a “USER”, or collectively, the “USERS”), which implies acceptance of all terms and conditions included in this Legal Notice, and also acceptance of any modifications or updates to those terms and conditions that are posted at the Portal.

By visiting the Portal of CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. and viewing any of the information relating to the products or services offered there, the USER is accepting the general terms and conditions envisaged in this Legal Notice. Therefore, all USERS must read the contents of this Legal Notice carefully before visiting the Portal or making use of the information or services offered there, or at any of the websites of CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. makes the Portal available to the USERS for the purpose of providing information about the products and offers of CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L., and as a way to give the USERS information about the various contact forms, newsletters, surveys, etc. that may be used by CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L.

Code of conduct

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. and its employees are subject to a set of internal rules from the company’s Code of Ethics, which is made available to the USERS at the following website:

General terms and conditions for visiting and using the website

In general, the USERS are obliged to comply with these General Terms and Conditions for Use of the Portal, and they must also comply with all special usage notices and instructions posted there. Their conduct must always be in compliance with the law, with accepted principles of morality, and with the requirements of good faith, and they must apply due diligence based on the nature of the services they are using. They must refrain from using the Portal in any way that could impede, harm, or damage the Portal’s normal operation, or any of the assets or rights belonging to CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L., to the rest of the USERS, and to any third parties in general.

Specifically, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. offers access to the website found at under the Terms of Use described below.

Obligaciones de los usuarios

All persons who visit the website automatically take on the status of a USER, and they fully and expressly accept, with no exceptions, each and every one of these Terms of Use, without prejudice to any specific terms and conditions that may apply in cases where a USER decides to contract any of the services offered at the website.

The Portal’s service is provided at no cost. However, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. reserves the right to require the USERS to register in advance before using some of the specific services, by filling in the User Registration Form to become a REGISTERED USER.

In any case where a USER is required to register as a REGISTERED USER, or to provide personal data in order to access any of the specific services, that USER’s personal data will be collected and processed in the manner described in the section on Personal Data Security and Protection.

All USERS are obliged to comply with specific rules when using the Portal, including but are not limited to the following:

  • They must ensure that the requested personal data and information they provide is accurate.
  • They must refrain from entering or storing on the Portal, or using it to distribute, any information or materials that may be defamatory, harmful, obscene, threatening, or xenophobic; or that could incite violence or encourage discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, or religion; or that could in any way be considered as immoral or contrary to the public order; or that could infringe or harm any third party’s fundamental rights, public liberties, honour, privacy, or personal image, or any third party’s intellectual or industrial property rights, trade secrets, or know-how; or any contents that they are not legally entitled to make available to third parties in general, or that infringe the legislation in force in any way.
  • They must refrain from entering or storing on the Portal, or using it to distribute, any computer programs, data, viruses, computer code, hardware, telecommunications equipment, or any other physical or electronic tools or devices that could cause harm or damage to the Portal, or to any of the services offered there, or to any of the equipment, systems, or networks belonging to CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L., to any of the USERS, or to any third parties in general, or that could in any other way alter or impede normal operation of any such equipment, system, or network.
  • They must refrain from using the Portal to perform any activities involving advertising, promotions, or commercial operations, and in particular, they must refrain from using any information obtained through the Portal to send messages related to advertising, direct selling, or any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store the personal data of any third parties.
  • They must refrain from using any false identities or impersonating the identities of others when using the Portal or any of the purchasing services offered there, including any use of a third party’s payment methods, passwords, or login credentials, and any other form of impersonation.
  • They must refrain from destroying, altering, damaging, or making unusable any data, information, computer programs, or electronic documents belonging to CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. or to any third parties, or using any of these for their own purposes.
  • Except in any cases where expressly authorised by CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L., they must refrain from establishing any links, hyperlinks, or connections from third-party websites or portals to the web pages of CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. other than the homepage of its Portal; and they must refrain from displaying the CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. website or any information it contains in frames, and from displaying any distinctive signs, trademarks, or company names or trade names belonging to any other persons, enterprises, or entities.
  • They must refrain from using or reusing the Portal for fraudulent purposes, or for any purposes related to criminal offences or unlawful activities of any kind.

Access to the services

The USERS are solely responsible for providing the means, and meeting the technical requirements, for accessing the Portal and the products and services offered there, and they must pay all costs and taxes arising from acquisition of those products or provision of those services.

In order to make use of the various services offered at the Portal, the USERS must follow all instructions displayed on the screen, which includes filling in the required information on the online forms provided. In addition, the USERS must first read, understand, and accept all of the General and Specific Terms and Conditions of Contracting established at the Portal.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its Portal and/or to the services and products offered there, with no need to provide any notice in advance, for any USERS who fail to comply with these General Terms of Use and/or infringe any applicable laws; and it may also remove any USER’s contents, comments and/or contributions that infringe these General Terms and Conditions and/or any applicable laws.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. guarantees that all contents and services being offered at www.[……].com comply with the principle of personal dignity; the principle of non-discrimination for reasons of race, sex, religion, opinions, nationality, disability, or any other personal or social circumstances; and the principle requiring special protection for minors and children.


In order to improve the performance of its website, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. reserves the right to modify, expand, or temporarily suspend any aspects of its appearance, configurations, technical specifications, contents, and services. It may do this unilaterally at any time, with no need to notify the USERS in advance.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. also reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, as well as any other specific terms and conditions posted at the website


CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. has prioritised the objective of ensuring that all persons can navigate at our website without experiencing any accessibility problems, regardless of their age (provided they are at least 16 years old), or any disabilities they may have, or the technologies they are using.

To achieve this objective, the CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. website has been developed in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Intellectual and industrial property

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights associated with the website, as well as its graphic design elements, computer code, trade names, trademarks, and distinctive signs, except in any case where some other owner is indicated.

Any reproduction, distribution, commercialisation, or transformation of those contents, unless expressly authorised by their owners, will represent an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights protected by law.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will pursue all appropriate administrative, civil, and criminal claims under any circumstances where those rights are infringed by any of the website’s USERS.

Waiver of warranties and liabilities

The USERS will be solely and exclusively liable for their own actions when visiting and using the website This means that CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. offers no warranties and accepts no liability, under any circumstances, for any type of harm or losses derived from access to or use of the Portal’s contents, except for any that can be attributed to CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. for its own acts of intentional misconduct.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. accepts no liability for the accuracy, truthfulness, or validity of any information it did not produce itself, or for any contents taken from information sources provided by third parties. This means that CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will only be liable for its own services, and for contents that it has directly produced itself, as identified with its copyright symbol as a trademark or other form of intellectual or industrial property it owns. In addition, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. offers no warranties and accepts no liability for any type of harm or losses caused by the following circumstances:

  1. Incorrect functioning of the website, or any lack of continuity in its functioning. CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. offers no guarantees regarding the availability of the Portal or the continuity of its functioning. Moreover, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. offers no guarantees that the Portal or its contents will be fit for purpose in relation to any particular activity or use.

    CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will be allowed to temporarily suspend access to the Portal in order to perform maintenance, repairs, updates, or improvements, with no need to provide any notice in advance. However, whenever the existing circumstances make it possible, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will notify the USERS in advance regarding the date scheduled for suspension of its services. CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. accepts no liability of any kind for any type of harm or losses that could be caused by lack of availability of the Portal, by lack of continuity of its functioning, or by any loss of the Portal’s usefulness claimed by its USERS.
  2. Any lack of usefulness, fitness for purpose, or validity of the services or contents offered at the website, with regard to any USER’s results or expectations.
  3. The existence of viruses or malware on any USER’s computer, or the presence of any viruses or malware in the services provided by third parties via the website
  4. Any knowledge possessed by unauthorised third parties regarding the USERS’ access to and use of the website and its information and services, including the type of access or use and the related conditions, characteristics, or circumstances.
  5. Any loss of business, usage, profit, or data, under any circumstances including negligence, when claimed as indirect, secondary, special, or consequential losses resulting from access to the website or use of its services, or related to the website in any other way.

In general, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. does not monitor use of the Portal by its USERS. In particular, under no circumstances does CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. offer any guarantees that the USERS are making use of the Portal in compliance with the law or with these General Terms of Use, or in compliance with generally accepted principles of morality or protection of the public order, or that the USERS are making use the Portal in a diligent or prudent manner.

However, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. does guarantee that it has implemented appropriate measures that comply with the security standards permitted by the currently existing technology.

As part of its commitment to fraud prevention, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. will collaborate with the payment platforms used for acquiring products through the Portal, and with the competent authorities, by providing any necessary information about the transactions performed, provided this is always done in compliance with the legal requirements in force.

Finally, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. accepts no liability for the contents of any other websites that the USERS may be able to access through links existing at its own website, and it states that it does not, under any circumstances, examine the contents of other websites or exercise any form of control over them. Moreover, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. does not offer any guarantees regarding the technical availability, accuracy, truthfulness, validity, or lawfulness of any websites it does not own, including any websites that can be accessed using any such links.

Data protection

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. fully complies with all legislation in force on the subject of personal data protection, and with the confidentiality commitments associated with its own activities.

CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. has a Privacy Policy that gives the USERS relevant information about the subject of data protection, which is available at the following link.

Use of cookies

This website makes use of its own (first-party) cookies, as well as third-party cookies, to facilitate navigation through its various web pages, and to improve the efficiency and personalisation of the services offered to its USERS. Additional information about the use of cookies can be found in the Cookies Policy section

Translation into english and portuguese

All information and documentation made available at the versions of this website translated into English and Portuguese is provided for informational purposes only. If there are any discrepancies between the contents of the English and/or Portuguese versions and the original version in Spanish, the version in Spanish will prevail.

Jurisdiction and governing law

These Terms of Use will be governed by Spanish law.

Should any discrepancies or disputes arise in relation to interpreting and applying these Terms of Use, or in relation to the website’s contents in general, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. and the USERS agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals in the location of each USER’s domicile, and they expressly waive recourse to any forum that could otherwise correspond to them.

However, if a USER’s domicile is outside of Spain, CHARGING TOGETHER, S.L. and that USER agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Madrid, with express waiver of any jurisdiction that could otherwise correspond to them.